Odorization System Upgrades

Odorization Skids

GPL Odorizers offers full packaged odorization skids with the odorizer, ASME odorant tank, and containment assemblies, in both vertical and horizontal tank configurations. The leak-proof containment skid safeguards against ground contamination in the event of a tank failure. It is designed to capture 110% of the reservoir’s capacity. Multiple odorant tank sizes are available to accommodate the flow rate of the pipeline; from 60 to 2000 gallons.

GPL 10000 odorizer with odorant tank and containment system

Odorant Injection System

Temporary Odorization

Whether seeking a temporary odorization unit or a pickling odorizer, our systems offer portability and are easy to transport by trailer or forklift. Most can fit in the back of standard size pickup trucks.

Turnkey Odorization Solution Offering Mobility and Shelter (GPL 750 Odorizer)

Tanks And Containment

GPL Odorizers provides odorant tank assemblies and containment skids for gas odorant injection systems.

We offer various tank sizes and proportional containment sections.

odorant tanks and containment skids
Odorizer Upgrade – Shelter Works Fiberglass Building

Fiberglass Buildings

To add an extra level of protection from the weather, environmental events, and security, we offer the upgrade of a Shelter Works custom-built fiberglass building to house the entire odorization system.

Housed inside the fiberglass enclosure is the odorization containment skid with the odorant tank.

GPL 100 Thermal Mass Flow Meter

The GPL 100 thermal mass flow meter is recommended as upgraded equipment when employing the 750 in low-flow and intermittent flow systems.

The GPL 100 Flow Meter has excellent accuracy and high turndown. 

mercaptan odor removal

GPL Odor eVac (Mercaptan Removal System)

The GPL Odor eVac is a portable air filtration device that evacuates mercaptan odor using activated carbon filtration. The device is ideal at odorization stations or any building or shelter, whether temporary or permanent, needing ethyl mercaptan odor removal to protect onsite workers and reduce false leak-call complaints.

The Odor eVac clears the air before mercaptan becomes problematic