Authorized Service Provider

1 stop odorizationLinc Energy Systems, our leading distributor and authorized service provider, offers a 1-Source Odorization Program, ensuring a comprehensive turnkey odorant injection system that minimizes client oversight and scheduling challenges. The 1-Source Odorization includes planning & engineering, acquisition, operations and maintenance, and disposal and decommissioning.  Learn more.

If you are interested in any of these services, send us your message.


A GPL Factory-Certified technician provides decommissioning and disposal of retired odorant injection systems, storage tanks, containments, and ancillary contaminated equipment.

Odorization System Installation

A GPL Factory-Certified technician provides turnkey Installations of odorization equipment, which can include on-site orbital welding.

Note: the services do not include electrical connections, and the client must supply the lifting equipment to maneuver the odorant tank and containment.

Start-Up and Training

GPL Factory-Certified technicians start-up the odorization system and train the client’s personnel. The instruction includes a GPL-Factory Certification for candidates successfully completing the course requirements.*A Master Course (Train-the-Trainer) is available for additional in-depth training at the factory for GPL Odorizers’ Trainer Accreditation. With successful completion of the Master Course through a GPL Factory Certified trainer, GPL Odorizers extends the standard 18-month warranty an additional six months for a two-year warranty on the odorizer.

*Note a GPL-Factory Certification, nor Trainer Accreditation does not replace operator qualification training for odorization equipment.

Odorant Transfer

A GPL Factory-Certified technician performs closed-loop odorant transfer from an existing storage vessel to a new odorant tank. Odorant filtration for odor control is available.

Temporary Odorization

GPL Factory-Certified technicians perform low- and high-flow temporary odorization for both gas pipe pickling and odorizer station upgrades. There is no service disruption, and the pipeline is always odorized to ensure the safety of those downstream.
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Service Maintenance Agreements

Linc Energy Systems, our authorized service provider, offers service maintenance programs on GPL’s odorization systems (including the legacy units of Zeck Systems and Sentry Equipment).
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Factory Training and Classes

Linc Energy Systems is an authorized trainer for GPL Odorizers and instructs in our equipment’s safe and efficient operation. This company offers these classes to GPL Odorizers’ users to ensure the proper use of the odorization system. These classes are for the client’s employees and contractors. The training satisfies our recommendations to keep our users adequately trained, which is one of the criteria for maintaining the manufacturer’s warranty. Learn more