New Vacuum Device for Mercaptan removal

We are happy to announce the release of the GPL Odor eVac, a portable air filtration system for mercaptan removal. The vacuum-like device pulls contaminated odoriferous air into an activated carbon filter, removes the odor, and discharges odorless air.

odor evac mecaptan odor removalProblem – Mercaptan Stinks

Mercaptan not only has a malodorous smell; it can become a health risk when workers are exposed to it at high doses. It also can lead to false leak call complaints.

Solution – Ethyl Mercaptan Odor Removal

gpl mobile mercaptan vacuumWhen working with mercaptan or odorized gas, the GPL Odor eVac removes the odor associated with mercaptan, improving the work conditions, creating a safer environment, and reducing the risks of leak-call complaints.

The GPL Odor eVac is a unique and newly patented system designed for portability to quickly and easily deploy when needed to evacuate mercaptan odor from a room or structure.

GPL Odor eVac Description

The activated carbon filtration system removes odor associated with mercaptan liquid or gas through adsorption. The filter vacuum consists of an explosion-proof motor (Div 2) mounted on a steel drum with an integrated hand-truck permitting swift and easy deployment. The filtration media stays in a DOT-approved drum until replacement. The Odor eVac provides long-term use, is easy-to-operate, and is simple to replace the activated carbon. The unit comes in three models, a 30-, 55- and 110-gallon drum style.

30-Gallon Mobile Unit

The 30-gallon unit is perfect for field deployment in emergencies or maintenance on lines, odorizers, or odorant injection systems. This unit evacuates up to 140 cubic feet/minute of active filtration.

55-Gallon Unit

The 55-gallon unit is intended for operations in a building or a static location. It also comes with built-in wheels for easy mobility.

110-Gallon Unit aka “Big Bertha”

Big Bertha 110 Gal activated carbon filter

Big Bertha 110 Gal activated carbon filter

The 110-gallon “Big Bertha” is a dual-motor driven unit that moves about 300 cubic feet/minute and is intended for operations in a building or static location. It is very large and heavy though it can quickly move with its built-in wheels.

Who would be interested in the Odor eVac?

susan bender

Susan Bender, president of GPL Odorizers proudly holds the patent for the GPL Odor eVac.

Whether you’re a technician in the natural gas industry, a pickling or temporary odorization contractor, a worker at an odorization station, the Odor eVac is for you. Use the GPL Odor eVac when encountering odorant spills, performing odorant transfers, conducting odorization equipment maintenance, during odorization equipment failure, or anytime there’s a chance of odorant exposure or natural gas discharge.

Other times it’s handy to have the Odor eVac are during regular operations of odorization equipment, emergencies involving natural gas or odorization systems, or anytime there is a pressure release of natural gas or odorant.

For more information, see GPL Odor eVac, the product sheet, or call or write us.


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