By MercapMan of GPL Odorizers In Educational, RegulationsPosted February 21, 2022A History of Odorization from Water Gas to Natural GasGas odorization began with water gas in the 1880s, but the New London school explosion catapulted widespread odorant injection regulations. READ MORE
By Garrett Cox In Educational, RegulationsPosted January 31, 2022What is natural gas odorization?What is natural gas odorization? Why do we odorize? What is the difference between an odorant, an odorizer, and odorization? READ MORE
By MercapMan of GPL Odorizers In Educational, OdorantPosted March 16, 2020What are the Odorants used in Natural Gas to make it Detectable?What odorants or additives, aside from mercaptan and tetrahydrothiophene are used in natural gas to make it detectable? READ MORE
By Preston Marcoux In Odorant Injection Systems, OdorizersPosted January 27, 2020Premium Odorant Injection System Principle of OperationLinc Energy Systems, master distributor for GPL Odorizers, posted the principle of operations for two GPL primary odorant injection systems. READ MORE
By MercapMan of GPL Odorizers In Industry News, OdorizersPosted August 10, 2016Newly Released – GPL 750 Gas OdorizerGPL Odorizers has launched a new low flow and intermittent flow odorant injection system of natural gas, biogas and propane odorization. READ MORE